Friday 9 December 2011

Presentation on Tuesday

This Tuesday you will be presenting the advertising strategy for your film to the class in a five minute presentation.

It should include, at a minimum:

- An audience profile for your film. (Who is going to watch it?)

- An advertising strategy (How are you going to advertise it?)

- A publicity stunt (A public event to advertise your film.)

All of these are hypothetical. You don't actually need to carry out your advertising or publicity stunt, so think big!

5 minutes can be a long time to present, so make your presentation interesting! Use images and videos, and consider asking the audience to take part.

You should use Prezi. Tutorials are available on the site.

This is Mr. Curran's last lesson. No boring presentations please!

Thursday 8 December 2011


Please note that those of you who have not made any attempt to complete the outstanding analyses of TV Drama clips (Primevil, Blackpool, Hotel Babylon, Secret Diary of a Call Girl) will be completing these essays tomorrow afternoon.

Those with completed work will have a little treat!

Friday 2 December 2011


A few important dates that I thought you should be aware of.

    • 24th - 30th January
    • 31st January - 6th February

All groups will have access to the following equipment during these weeks ONLY and you should be planning your film openings accordingly.

  • Equipment list:
  • Canon Camcorder with SD card, charger and bag
  • Tripod
  • LED light and charger
You are welcome to use your own camera facilities BUT you must ensure that the material which you film/record is uploaded to an iMacs in C1.

Also available subject to insurance, transport, storyboard and schedule:

  • green screen facilities
  • croma key facilities in Heart
  • dolly and tracks (2 kits)
  • additional lighting
Although we have been focussing a lot recently in my lessons on representations, it is a given that you should be working independently on your FOundation Portfolios and preparing for the film shoots next January and February. 

Editing and Sound post-production
  • Editing will be on the iMacs in C1 and in order to achieve a good grade you will need to spend several hours after school. This all counts towards your final grade and is justified in my mark. From January therefore a booking sheet will be available for the iMacs. 
  • Sound post production does require some special mention as it is one of the nest ways to improve your grade. Recording sound effects, writing music and enhancing the sound of the film is a vital part of the process and there are some additional resources in the Heart which we will be making available for this.
In the meantime, it is essential that you all continue to work on your Portfolios and to update them with the research and planning tasks you have undertaken to date. Also ensure that I have been invited to the blog or I shan't be able to advise.