
Organisation of blog - not appropriate pages or layout, no evaluation page, no research page, no planning, preparation etc.

RPP (research planning and preparations) (10)
  • all evidence of research on home page and not organised
  • some research into genre and preparation including use of social media to research audience
  • planning includes, scripting, photoshoots, some scheduling and thinking about risk assessment, equipment lists
  • basic rather than proficient and lacking detail, deep reflection and additional actions and reworking
Evaluations (Hodo 8, Rana 0)
  • on Home page!???
  • only Hodo's and that is written NOT filmed or significantly using media technologies and ICT
  • basic rather than proficient
  • Nothing from Rana
Main Production (25)
  • wrong version of film - sound sync is significantly out
  • camera, editing, script performance and mise en scene proficient to excellent
  • sound and finished version basic hence lower than expected mark
Ancillaries (5, 6)
  1. Magazine review - basic formatting of review, columns and text placement is chaotic. layout is not proficient, branding of magazine is almost invisible.
  2. Poster - well composed image, however, typing errors and role inconsistency doesn't match with film, institutional elements basic, no thought about distribution (no evidence of supporting research into short film posters, genre or form)
  • No back-up research, early drafts or analysis of why changes were made
Total: Hodo - 54 (D)
          Rana - 46 (E)

Please note that as well as the above mark difference, the two of you will also be rewarded differently for your involvement. It is essential that evaluations appear soon.

Don't Look Back

RPP (research, planning and production) (6)
  • research: a few videos which are not analysed and therefore little evidence of anything more than embedding the videos and saying you liked them.
  • no research into genre, history of MV, style, audience responses etc.
  • planning and preparations: little or no evidence of location scouting, shot listing, storyboarding, design, considering mise en scene, thinking about narratives, tone beyond a paragraph - little to reward with a mark.
Evaluations (0)
  • nothing to reward with a mark
Main production (29)
  • says draft rather than final or completed
  • no titling to ID the MV
Ancillaries (6 & 8)
  1. magazine advert - unchanged from first draft, review on right could benefit from perspective formatting OR not but current half way isn't ideal.
  2. CD design is good front and back but very basic in the middle - a slightly missed opportunity
  • no explanation of your rationale at any point

Total: 49 - E grade

Teenage Obsession

Title of site is confusing
Format has been changed and layout, pages but still very con fusing to find your way around.

RPP (research, planning and preparations) (12)
  • a variety of research into magazines, posters, audience, genre etc. chaotically presented and difficult to see how it works together.
  • no analysis of inspirational magazine front covers
  • separate tab for titling?
  • overall the research is basic rather than proficient and lacks a range of IT uses in presentation beyond your animatic
Evaluations (0)
  • only the audience feedback video which is insufficient
  • no evaluations
Main production (30)
  • well considered, shot choices, use of mise en scene and editing, genre well established
  • missed opportunities for sound, especially foley, scary sound effects
  • overall a highly proficient trailer.
Ancillaries (6, 9)
  1. Magazine front cover - basic with many key elements of cover used, text formatting and layout not wholly successful
  2. Poster - outstanding with only minor flaws in typography, excellent shot choice, use of fonts and general layout, eye-catching
Total: 57 (D)

The Vlog

Website organisation
This needs attention still, it has improved a little but there is no overall logic to guide the moderator
Use home page to explain what your project is.
Only have top tabs for the main areas - research, planning pre-production, productions (main, ancilliaries), evaluations

Research, Planning and pre-production  (11)
  • Research: This is in various places and not coherently grouped together. Please ensure that this happens. You do have a range of areas explored and there is clearly some thinking behind your research which does directly inform your products. Improving the organisation will make these links clearer and help me award more marks.
  • Planning and Prep: This is basic and mostly unreflected on. Some areas covered but not in sufficient detail. Again grouped in different places and therefore gives a poor impression of organisation. Not clear how you progressed from your initial ideas to The Vlog. This journey needs to be clearly spelled out.
Evaluations: (12)
  • All questions covered and uploaded - some use of technology including video
  • In order and organised - nearly.
  • Additions at the end give the impression of being tagged on rather than part of the whole
  • Nearly proficient
Main Production: (29)
  • Highly proficient
  • Teaser has limitations in terms of extent of footage and variety used
  • Post production has enhanced development and demonstrates skill in manipulation of technologies
  • genre and footage matched well and clever use of social media within teaser
  • not quite level 4
Ancillaries: (7, 9)
  1. Magazine front cover: evidence of research is basic but there is a clear link with product.
  2. Poster: demonstrates a clear link to teaser, stlye across teaser, and ancilliaries shows some level of consistency.
Total: 68 (C)


Simple and clear organisation of website with some of the tabs needed - NO EVALUATION TAB?
Overall many elements in place and evidence of considerable work.

Research, Planning and Prep: (13)
  • Research: keep it just the the research into the genre, form process etc. Not the place for the script, this can go on the planning page under a sub-title of development. Proficient level of research, not enough depth for A2 to demonstrate consistent proficiency so low level only. Use of early edit and survey demonstrate how feedback was taken to support development of ideas. Could be used more including the reviews we did in class with others.
  • Poster and review research needs to go under research as a submenu, ensure that this research is as developed as it can be - presentation is unimaginative at present
  • Planning and preparation from script through to risk assessment now in form more acceptable - needs some comments though on how they were used and what happened when things didn't work out
  • Storyboard?
  • No analysis of location choices just a gallery
  • same for photoshoot
  • Overall there is a lack of reflection on the different stages and it needs better organisation overall.
Evaluations: (15)
  • use of video with edited in examples
  • clear and considered but lacking strong links and examples from similar texts, good understanding and some use of media language, no theory applied though obviously implicit in they way they speak about their work
  • proficient/excellent - you should however look at the early work you made in developing ideas and put this under the specific pages example, early poster experiments.
Main Product (32)
  • Mostly proficient/excellent short film which creates tension and has a developed narrative.
  • Shot choices and editing help develop the story towards a poignant conclusion
  • Obeys the conventions of a short film in its limited canvas and narrative
  • Consistency with other products is clear (though review has disappeared from site!)
Ancillaries (6, 6)
  1. Poster: mostly successful and just into proficient, though photoshop cut-out on edge of photographs makes it seem a little amateurish, text very small and poster doesn't blow up to full screen which is a pity. Idea seems sound and mainly in keeping with the main product in terms of theme and look.
  2. Review: more successful, solid proficient - or would be if we could see it full screen and read it. However, at present the mark will be lower due to it being too small and format of large white space on left suggesting a mistake.
  • Technical problems with website MUST be fixed t improve the viewing and marking of this and therefore the potential grades.
Total 72 - B

However, the marks will be different for the two of you as you have had different involvements throughout the process. STILL ISSUES WITH ORGANISATION SO THIS MARK BELOW IS GENEROUS - COULD BE PULLED DOWN TO 65 IF YOU DO NOT FIX THE PROBLEMS

True Love

RPP (15)
  • Detailed exploration of MV history and of specific genre relevant to products. Research into artist, representations and other areas.
  • Visual and written but NOT especially IT literate, no use of DVD commentary, presentation techniques or other encouraged means of showing work
  • Some embedded video of industry example for comparison
Prep and planning
  • Detailed evidence of process from start to finish, again mainly images with text rather than explored using a range of techniques, one presentation at start of process
  • Test shoot shows range of skills tested on a different song
  • Production page also explains well the filming process
Evaluations (0)
  • Written only evaluations - page taken down I hope for reworking in a more visual way
  • Written only evaluations unlikely to achieve more than high basic/low proficient mark.
Mani Product (38)
  • Excellent main product, clearly working within the genre and fits to expectations of target audience. demonstrates excellent control of all areas of production and clear links across all three products
  • Professional
Ancillaries (7, 10)
  1. Poster/Magazine advert - clear connections with other products including image of CD. Uses conventions mostly extremely well. Only area of improvement is lack of web or social media connection
  2. CD digipack - outstanding design and delivery shows high level of skills in digital manipulation and excellent choices in image, design and typography
Total (without evaluations) 70 - (B)

However, the marks will be different for the two of you as you have had different involvements throughout the process. It is essential that evaluations appear soon.

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