Texts for Marginalised Representations

Please ensure that you Complete both last week's HW - Dossier and comparative essay AND this week's HW by next Monday. Each HW will take you between 2-3 hours including research and writing if you are to produce something of value to you.

All work should be published to your blogs.

Representation and Collective Identity of socially disadvantaged girls.

Read the two essay/case studies above and view the trailers.

Find two more media texts (not films) to discuss the following question.

The media is responsible for biased and inaccurate representations. Discuss this statement in relation to the area you have studied and consider the impact of media representations on collective identity.

Ensure that you explore a range of media theories in your essay including: hegemony, feminist theory, moral panic, social realism, audience theory, semiotics.

You must back up your arguments with clear well analysed examples, facts and wider reading.

Further study.

Think about the similarities and differences in the way the British media responds to groups from outside the UK.

Here is an excellent study of the above text and also the 2005 Gypo.

Media and Collective Identity - EXAMINERS FEEDBACK

One very strong centre facilitated rich learning where candidates were able to utilise the ideas of Gauntlett on identity along with Judith Butler and a range of others very well in relation to film and magazines (with the exception of Lacan whose ‘mirror stage’ was usually misunderstood). There did tend to be an overwhelming sense of a prepared answer with almost all candidates beginning with ‘Gauntlett says ‘identity is complicated’) but whilst this may have been dull for the examiner after a while, candidates are not penalised for this approach. Other candidates considered the representation of youth and urban communities in music and other media and answers varied from sensitive and informed negotiations of the nature of subculture in 2010 whilst weaker candidates set up unhelpful and crude binary oppositions and crass generalisations about whole swathes of young people, ironically perhaps. Most pleasing was the ability of some candidates to take highly contemporary examples – eg the music of Dizzee Rascal and discuss them in theoretical contexts such as hegemony, democracy and representation and, again through Gauntlett, negotiated ‘self-help’ gender representation. A key piece of advice for centres is to move candidates away from generalised ideas of how ‘the media’ represent people and ideas and towards more ‘micro’ level discussions of how people give meaning to particular kinds of media in relation to their identities. 

  • Highlight passage and copy to your own blog.
  • Underline references and terminology which you do not understand
  • Research to find answers and identify the sources which are unfamiliar - example Gauntlett

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Task 2:
  • Apply knowledge to write a paragraph about Guantlett's theories regarding collective identity.
HW 1
  • What do you need to do to write a decent essay? Make a check list.

Media and Collective Identity

6  With reference to any one group of people that you have studied, discuss how their identity has been ‘mediated’.

7  “Media representations are complex, not simple and straightforward”. How far do you agree with this statement in relation to the collective group that you have studied?

Write a draft of an essay for one or other of the titles. Ensure that you use the ideas you have listed in your check list and that your essay explores your chosen area of focus in detail.

Comparative writing:

Having looked at an episode of Britain on FIlm entitled This Sceptred Isle, please find modern alternative visions of british life from current TV. Formulate your exploration by asking certain questions. For example:
  • How has the media representation of Britishness changed between the early 1960s and now?
  • In which ways does the representation of Britishness through television and film reveal the changes to the demographics of British society?
  • How was Britain encouraged to see itself in the 1960s compared to now.
Though it would be easy to focus on the obvious changes in attitudes towards gender roles between 1960 and 2013 please make sure that you don't limit your exploration to this. remember that a likely essay title in the exam will be:

With reference to any one group of people that you have studied, discuss how their identity has been ‘mediated’.

Such a question as this demands that you examine in our case Britishness through media texts.

You might for example, make a list of texts you might use. remember that you must ensure that you are making reference to at least two media forms: i.e.. film, TV, advertising, print, internet, radio, games, music videos, etc.

Finally and very importantly here are some key areas to begin to consider when making notes and preparing.
  • Social, Historical, Economic and Political context

How do these crucial external factors influence the media text, its production/creation and its reception and audience?

How do factors including the multichannel and media saturated nature of our current world influence the way in which collective identity is mediated to us?


Collective Identity

Media and Collective Identity 
 How do the contemporary media represent nations, regions and ethnic / social / collective groups of people in different ways? 
 How does contemporary representation compare to previous time periods? 
 What are the social implications of different media representations of groups of people? 
 To what extent is human identity increasingly ‘mediated’? 

Candidates may analyse the representation of and / or the collective identity of one or more group(s) of people. Candidates might explore combinations of any media representation across two media, or two different representations across two media. Some examples are: 
National cinema, television representations, magazines and gender, representations of youth and youth culture, post-9/11 representations of Islam, absence / presence of people with disability in two media. 

Remember it is vital that you look at two (or more) media forms with the same representation or collective identity.


This topic needs your own input and research. You need to decide on a particular topic which you want to pursue and you will be expected to develop your own views and opinions based on your own independent research. This will be supplemented and developed by what we do in class but in the end it is you who will sit in the exam room and you who will need to know your area of research.

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