Friday 29 June 2012



Depending on your chosen brief:

  • Create a treatment for your idea
  • A treatment is a 2 page document which explains in detail what you want to see and hear but not in script format. It is the 'short story' of you idea if you like.
  • The treatment may need reference to other media text to explain visuals so feel free to embed images and eve provide links to video etc
  • It should be a 750 words in length
To be completed by end of lesson

An Introduction to Documentary

An Introduction to Documentary

If you are interested in Documentary this is a good starting point for research. read through and decide what types of documentary do you like and what type would you like to make. Remember to read the advice at the end of the article about the choices you should make about what topic you choose.

Film Trailer Workshop

Film Trailer Workshop

If you are taking the film trailer route use the link above to explore resources useful to you and complete the activities as part of your preparation for the Advanced Portfolio.

Music Press Quiz

Music Press Quiz

Have a go and see how you do.

Understanding The Music Industry & Music Industry Websites

Understanding The Music Industry & Music Industry Websites

Please check out the above website resources which you can access for detailed resources which can help you with your Music Video Preparations.

Before you set about making a Music Video you need to research and begin the documentation which will support your decisions.