Thursday 27 September 2012




  • Revise terminology of semiotics.
Pre-liminary exercise
  • Plan for Preliminary exercise by writing a short script in a genre of your choice, which involves someone coming through a door, two people having a conversation in which the 180 degree rule is observed.
  • Storyboard this exercise
  • 5 lines of dialogue only
  • Must be no more than 2 minutes when edited
  • No more than 4 characters
  • Any genre
  • Must have signifiers and create meaning
  • Must have a narrative and characterisation
Opening sequences

  • Find one of your favourites, embed and analyse using semiotic language

Tuesday 18 September 2012

A2 Monday's lesson

Ensure that you have completed the G324 tasks set by the dates required. In order to meet the production schedule of 22nd October start you will need to work fast and in a focussed way. The G325 essay is due Wednesday and it is essential that you have completed it or you will be put into prep. The links to the question and resources are all there fore you. Please refer back to previous posts for other deatils. Rana, though you missed last weeks lessons, I still expect something from you. A2 Media - L2 G324 Production

Monday 17 September 2012

Media Magazine login & Media Edusites

Media Magazine login

YOu will find above that a new pages has appeared, if you click on it it will take your straight to Media Magazine where you can login.

Username - mediamagazine10
Password - ly957mp

You will need to write this login down TODAY because I will be removing it from the blog for security reasons.

In addition, you will receive an individual login to the Media Edusite too, this will also support your studies and provide invaluable information which you can use.  AGain you can click on the page above to go to the site directly.

Wednesday 12 September 2012



Learning the ropes of media.

Setting up your blogs
Joining edmodo
Understanding the course
getting to know each other
audit of skills

Homework due next Thursday

Complete analysis of Children of Men opening if not completed
Find another opening sequence to a movie of your own choice (must be appropriate to your age) embed in your blog and write an anlysis of the mise en scene, camera, sound and editing. How do these techniques reveal the narrative and target a specific audience.

New Term - Beginning of A2 course

Welcome back.

Here is a brief run down of what we will be doing this year though as you know detail regarding this is on other pages of the BLOG.
  • Autumn 1:
    • G324 Research, development, planning and production of ADVANCED PORTFOLIO main product
    • G325 Media and Collective Identity for exam - concepts and theory, research techniques, essay practice
  • Autumn 2:
    • G324 Complete production, post production of main product and prepare ancilliary products 1 & 2 draft and final versions
    • G325 Media and Collective Identity for exam - independent reserach project and presentation
  • Spring 1:
    • G324 Complete all products for ADVANCED PORTFOLIO. Make creative evaluations of AP.
    • G325 2nd independent research project AND/OR Contemporary Media Regulation
  • Spring 2:
    • Exam testing and revision course
    • AP snagging
    • Vivas
  • Summer 1:
    • Exam final preparation
The point as you can see is that the AP is completed early allowing more time for exams preparation. This loading of the beginning of the year is to ensure that you are working with the necessary intensity from the start.


Collective Identity L1 Dis

Some links to use

OCR exam paper
Exemplar essay (look for June 2010 G325 section B CI)
BBC Ouch
BBC report by Peter White
BBC Paralympics - Seize the moment
4OD paralympics


A2 Media eBook
Stuart Hall - Cultural Theorist