Monday 24 December 2012

A2 Advanced Portfolio

To be completed by 9th of January - we will be looking again at all of these P3/4 on Wednesday the 9th of January

Main Product - picture and sound edit with titles (even if rough)
Ancillary Products 1 and 2
(in at least a decent draft form)
All must attempt to obey the conventions of the form

From our assessment week earlier in December it was very clear that the ancillary products were under developed and needed a lot of work. I have seen some groups making progress but others not working quickly or efficiently enough.

Main products: some in good shape others still requiring considerable work and even additional shooting.

Time in class for practical work will be heavily reduced from January onwards as we prepare for the mocks and for the real exam. You will also be preparing your evaluations which can only be done once you have completed the main and ancillary products

The grade I will be submitting for you in January will be based on the work levels I have seen this last term and the work you achieve between now and then. Please use your time well.

You may get in contact with me from the 3rd of January by email if you need to discuss any of the above.

AS Foundation Portfolio

Here is a breakdown of the tasks which each group need to complete between now and the 10th of January when your initial development period is finished.

A screenplay for your film opening which is in screenplay format and written appropriately. It must include:

  • a plan for where titles might appear - use industry standard order for these
  • a suggestion of how it will look, sound and feel to watch
  • minimal dialogue - tell the story in images and with sound if you can
  • no more than 4 pages in length (to allow for cuts)
You may show progressive drafts.

A rough schedule for pre-production and production with all roles clearly defined for each member of the group. Including:
  • casting
  • design priorities
  • shot-listing and storyboards
  • title design
  • shooting schedule
Stills for the locations, or ideal locations for your film. Drawings, plans, suggestions for props and costume, special effects etc. Titles research and design - go to the Art of the Tiltle and analyse a title sequence or two.

Character breakdown and potential casting
  • Breakdowns of each character, their back story etc.
  • Suggestions for who might be good casting and why?
  • method of casting: how are you going to cast your film?
  • schedule for casting
Please make sure all members of your group are aware of what you need to do.

Friday 21 December 2012


Competition link

Follow the link above to find out more.

If your film opening is finished in time for the deadline you should enter - there are prizes and prestige at stake.

Thursday 20 December 2012


Group 1

  • Keri
  • Alice
  • Kia
  • Lacey

Group 2
Bite Me

  • Sci
  • Manisha
  • Harpreet
  • Charley

Group 3
The Tale of the Vampire

  • Tarryn
  • Ellie
  • Chanelle
  • Farhana

Group 4

  • Palwasha
  • Kiran
  • Zohal
  • Simran

Group 5
Abandoned Camp

  • Sheida
  • Humaira
  • Rafia
  • Muna

unplaced - Chloe due to repeated absence

Thursday 13 December 2012

Work Due

For all AS students

Please ensure that your 500 word analysis of the representation of gender and sexuality in the Vampire TV Show of your choice is completed for collection by Ms. Cox on Tuesday.

For the AS Students that did not attend the media conference

By the end of tomorrow (Friday) ensure that you have posted your finished Textual Analysis of a Vampire film opening and the screenplay/breakdown of the first minute of your opening sequence on the blog of the students whose initial idea it was. So these will be expected on Kiran, Palwasha, Ellie, Sci & Keri's blogs.

As explained these will be key parts of your portfolio and show clear evidence of research.

This is not considered homework as it is work that should have been finished in class.

For the students who did not get the chance to fully complete their animatic storyboard, including the addition of sound, this will need to be completed next week.

Tuesday 11 December 2012



For those of you who are not going on the trip this week your lesson will be a creative one which will give you the chance to develop your two or more of the chosen script ideas through practical means. 

Attendance is NOT optional. 

Below are the decision we made on Thursday regarding the script ideas and you all need to ensure that HW is completed. 


Monday 3 December 2012



3rd Dec 2012

Dear Parent / Carer

Media Studies – Media Conference

We have planned a trip to the Media Magazine Conference on Thursday the 13th of December for Media Studies A level students

The trip will be to The Institute of Education 10 Bedford Way, London, WC1H 0AL from 10am till 3.30pm. Students will benefit from a full range of speakers and activities which should be of enormous value to their AS or A2 courses.

We will be leaving the school at 8.45am and taking public transport. Students are expected to pay their own transport to and from the venue and should also take a pack lunch. If they are eligible for free school meals then they can arrange a pack lunch from the canteen the day before.

A map with details is available on line and the contact details of the venue and of the accompanying teacher will be given to all students.

Yours faithfully

Mr Holloway
Head of Media

This letter will come out to all students going on the trip

View Larger Map

A2 Monday 3rd Dec

Focus for the lesson.

Continuing to develop ancillary products and ensuring that examples of these are posted onto the blog by the end of P7.

Please ensure that you have emailed me the relevant information regarding your Advanced Portfolio site so that I can look at your work online.

Check through the presentation from last week and remember that the deadline for completion of practical work is the Wednesday the 19th of December.


Money is due for this from Rebecca, Josh, Rana, Hodo - please make sure that you pay the finance office £20 ASAP.