Tuesday 28 September 2010

Tuesday 28th September


Here's today's powerpoint. I realise that we didn't get on to the practical work I had intended but this will be more than made up for on Thursday when we are in the CLC. Please remember that we will be starting at 9.40am on the button so try and be there earlier.

Also, please let me know ASAP whether you are able to come on the trip or not.


Get up to date with any outstanding home works and post your analysis of the opening of City of God as per the last slide. There is an extension exercise there also.

AS L4 Narr

Monday 27 September 2010

Kiddulthood opening

I will analyse the opening of  British drama film.
Denotation- Is what we see once we look at an advert or a image.
Connotation- Meaning or associated meaning that a image or a word carries with it, above its meaning.

  In first few seconds ''Kiddulthood" is written in white writing on black background. Letters are quite large and in the center of the screen. As it progresses I can see someone playing football, but I only see that persons feet hitting it but cant really see the person. In next few seconds I see school kids in uniforms having a regular school day. Dirty close up has been used while showing a boy with  protection glasses on.then school kids are shown again in a wide shot.The boy with protection glasses is using or testing a drill.

  Straight away I started to think that this guy with a drilling machine is up to something, because at the time when everyone is outside and enjoying their break, He has stayed inside planning something. This makes me wonder what is he up to!

  There is a lot of mud everywhere while football was played to show us that it definitely wasn't summer It must have been autumn and because of the dull weather.

  It is easy to understand, that it is school based in England, because of school uniforms!

Friday 24 September 2010

Thursday 23rd September

Please find the embedded presentations from yesterday's lessons. Also can you note the HOME STUDY which must be completed by Tuesday and POSTED to your own blogs.

Part 1 of Homestudy

Kidulthood Opening

Watch the opening sequence from KIDULTHOOD and apply what you have learnt. remember to start with DENOTATION (the signifiers) and be methodical about it. Only once you have done this should you go on to explore the CONNOTATIONS (the signified) and the possible readings which can be made.

Part 2 of Homestudy

Write a one page script for a scene in which someone comes through a door and goes to sit down with someone else inside the room and they have a brief conversation (or not). In your script you should describe the action, write the dialogue (if any) and give an indication of shots.

Read the sample script to see how to lay out the page. We will do more on this on Tuesday.

The Bourne Supremecy (Screenplay)

AS L2 Den Conn



Tuesday 21 September 2010

Tuesday 21st September

Here is the presentation for today's lesson with reminders about the homework. Ideally this should be completed on your blog. Please ensure that this is completed by Thursday.

Also, some advance warning. There will be a Media Studies A level trip to the Cinema on the 18th of October to see "Let Me In" (the remake of the brilliant Swedish vampire movie "Let the Right One In") Letters will go out soon - this is FREE just the cost of travel which you will need to pay for - and a very early start as the screening starts in Covent Garden at 10am. So you will need to leave the Brentford at 8.20sm or close to.

If any of you have a problem with this due to other classes please let me know the teachers involved and their email addresses and I will try and smooth things for you. Also be aware that you MUST inform the teach that you are going on a curriculum based trip and assure than that you will catch the work up in your own time.


Sunday 19 September 2010

Check out the link...

10 minute Film School

A useful breakdown of how to shoot cheaply by the master of Mexican actioners Robert Rodriguez.

Thursday 16 September 2010

Week 2

This week we have continued to focus on Media Language.

Please refer to the previous post for details about some of the ways in which we can look at audio-visual material (films, TV drama etc).

We have also examined the course structure.

Once again can I recommend that you follow the link to look at the course specification and also consider buying the course handbook. I would like a response from all of your regarding this soon.

If you are interested in buying your own copy let me know, otherwise I will by a set for the class and you will be charged a returnable deposit of £10 to use the book for the year. The link to amazon is on the first post I made.

Meantime, here is the presentation from today's lesson, please take note of the HOMESTUDY expectations for next week.


Thursday 9 September 2010

Thursday's Lesson

For those of you who missed Thursday's lesson here is a brief overview of what we did and what I would like you to do in order to catch-up the work missed and therefore stay on track.


The three students who attended all linked their blogs to this one, as you can see. This has allowed them the possibility of viewing each other's work and comment on it. To do this for you I will need you to send me the URL (web address) of your BLOG and I will also need you to send me your email so that I can invite you to be a contributor to the main AS blog.

The students also posted their reflections on the work we did in class which dealt with TV drama.

You can see what we watched by following the link to the BBC iPlayer and watching the first 5 minutes of MAD MEN which was broadcast on Wednesday at 10.30 on BBC4.

Our focus of attention was on understanding HOW the filming works and discussing which shots were chosen, for what reason and what other factors are involved with the creation of this carefully crafted TV drama.

Television Drama

  • Scenes - discrete units of action which take place in a specific location, scene changes often marked by location changes.
  • Locations - places where the action of a scene takes place (sometimes this is a set, sometimes it is a real location or place)
  • Sets - controlled filming environments which may be in studio or on location, the important thing is that they are controlled for filming. These are constructed to help create the narrative and support the atmosphere of the drama. Use of specific props, colours, materials and design is vital.
  • Lighting - how a set, location and actors are lit for the scene, control over lighting is vital to achieve the appropriate atmosphere for a specific scene. Three point lighting involves Key, Fill and Back lights all of which help to provide natural lighting on the character(s) which are the focus of attention.
  • Camera positions - these govern the way a scene is filmed, choosing the right positions is vital in the construction of the drama.
  • Shot sizes - ranging from extreme close up to panoramic wide shot, shot sizes (or camera angles) are varied according to the purposes of the drama to help in the telling of the story.
  • Focus - the focus of the camera (narrow depth of field - wide depth of field) are chosen to help the audience know what to look at and how to look at it. Changes of focus within a shot can literally move the audiences attention from one place/person to another.
  • Costume and Make-up: effectively personal design for characters in the drama, the choices made tell us a great deal about and the personality, job, status, age of the character. They also reflect the time when the drama is set (Period, contemporary, futuristic etc.) and the genre of the drama (comedy, horror, crime etc.)
  • Performance: acting, body language, dialogue etc. Vital if conveying the drama and supported by the choices made by the director with regard to all the above.
Look at the clip and using some of what is written above make your own reflection on the scenes and how they have been constructed.


This weeks home study is to 'audit' your use of Media across four days (Friday to Monday)

How do you use the media?
Time spent:
  • watching TV
  • films
  • listening to Radio
  • online: what do you do?
  • mobile: what do you do?
Record this audit to your blog as a new post. Are there any conclusions that you can draw from your use of media.