Tuesday 1 February 2011

Today's Class

Our focus today is sound editing.

If you haven't already done so, you will need to complete move from picture edit to sound edit.

  1. Complete picture edit including titles
  2. tidy up sound, cutting out obvious errors by - detaching audio and then cutting it or splitting it and then putting the sound level to zero
  3. you should aim to keep as much of the useable 'natural' sound as possible at this stage - you can fade it, boost it or get rid of it later. TIP: you can often replace sound with that from different clips - ones that you haven't used in picture - and that way get rid of intruding voices and other elements that you don't like. The better prepared this live track and the smoother you can make it the easier the dubbing process will be, the more creative you will be and the better marks you will get.
  4. When you are happy with the overall sound for your picture edited BUT undubbed film your are ready to SHARE TO THE MEDIA BROWSER or EXPORT AS QUICKTIME (better quality but takes a little longer). Remember that the picture edit becomes a fixed thing which is hard to change, so don't do this until you are absolutely sure that you have the edit you want, with the titles in place and the basic live sound in good shape.
  5. REMEMBER to SAVE into the movies folder on your iMac.
  6. NOW OPEN GARAGEBAND and start a new movie project - then import YOUR movie from the right of the screen to the top line of the multitrack screen.
  7. You are now ready to begin creating your soundtrack. Think about ALL the different layers of sound you will need and if necessary go and record them today using the video cameras - you will be able to import the sound into garageband - a bit of a fiddle, but possible.

Good luck.

Ms. Ashton will be registering and supervising you this afternoon and I will see you on Thursday to review all the work from the last week.

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