Monday 25 April 2011

This Week


Week beginning 25th April

Tuesday 26th April

P6&7   Film Case studies review and mini essay - you will be expected to write a half essay answer based on the research you have been doing and your reading of the revision handbook which I posted on the blog. 

Remember, that all FOUNDATION PORTFOLIO BLOGS/WEBSITES - should be completed by tomorrow and there will be an after school catch-up till 5pm for unfinished blogs/websites. We will be reviewing these during lessons to ensure that you are up to date.

Thursday 28th April

P1&2   TV Drama analysis and practice essay and assessment - another unseen text viewed in the usual way and analysed in detail. The essay will be completed for HOMEWORK and posted on the blog or emailed.
P3&4   Final Touches to Foundation Portfolio - checking all links work, ensuring all spelling, grammar      etc is accurate. This is really just to ensure complete functionality and to begin the formal paperwork which also needs to be completed. It is a fact that I have to send DVDs with all the opening sequences to the moderator and these need to be made and sent prior to the deadline. Also, there are a number of forms to be completed for all students, all of which takes time.

Time is available after school IF there is anything requiring further work.

HOMEWORK: complete practice essay, CORRECT ANY OUTSTANDING ISSUES WITH BLOGS/WEBSITES - though I anticipate that all of these should have been solved in class and that all blogs will function well.

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