Sunday 15 July 2012


Lessons as usual on Tuesday.

I am expecting that you will have completed more and be clearer about what your project will be.

In the lesson we will have tutorials to discuss your project in detail and define your summer preparations, objectives and intentions and also working practically with the equipment to define your needs.

Please complete as much preparation before the lesson and have with you all the details you currently have about your idea. Be warned, if I am not satisfied that you have given this enough thought I may ask you to reconsider and even give you a defined brief which I know I can support and which can guarantee a decent grade.

No attendance and failure to prepare will be noted and may well have a negative effect on your progress and attainment.

Monday 9 July 2012


TUESDAY'S lesson WILL take place as usual. It is vital that you are all there as there will be limited opportunities before the end of term to review where you are in your planning and research processes and to establish what you need to do next. Please ensure that you have completed as much as possible of the task set last week which you were working on on Friday - those of you who were in class.


All of you will need to continue to work on your ADVANCED PORTFOLIO over the summer and the expectation will be that you have made significant progress by September. To this end we will be discussing what you should be aiming for, what is realistic and how you can prepare practically, technically and theoretically for the Autumn's term of creative work.


  1. Confirming your choice of project and completing a set of planning and preparation tasks related to your choice.
  2. Setting up a website for your project using one of the website builders suggested.
  3. Researching your brief area in detail - analysing a broad range of products which directly relate to your form (music video, short film etc.) and genre.
  4. Completing the first stage of development of script, storyboard, mood board and design for your products.
  5. Creating a schedule for production and post production with completion end of December. 
  6. Creating an equipment list for cameras, lighting, special effects, design, costume, make-up
  7. Creating a cast and crew list: how many cast members? which crew jobs need to be covered by whom?
Currently these are the choices you have made:

Muna - travelogue documentary
Aisha and Yasmin  - movie trailer (joint project)
Habiba - short film
Josh - short film
Rebecca and Lauren - music video (joint project)
Jessica - music video
Ellie - short film

Uncertain due to absence:

Valeriya - short film?
Hodo - short film?
Rana - short film?

This makes for a great range of projects. In practical terms, those of you who are working individually should consider the potential benefits of working with someone else as there is a great deal to do if you work alone and you will ALL need some help. The exception is possible Muna, whose travelogue project will be shot while abroad this summer and who for practical reasons due to the nature of such a project may well be able to complete it alone.

You can work in groups up to a maximum of four people BUT each MUST be able to demonstrate clearly what they have contributed to all areas of research, development, preparation, planning, production and evaluation in order to justify their mark.

Monday 2 July 2012

Tuesday 3rd July


Your task today:

For those of you who HAVE completed your treatments for your idea.

  • Share the idea with others who are interested in to working on the same brief that you are working towards - trailer, short film, music video, documentary
  • Discuss and develop your idea - this could lead to making some changes
  • A mood board for your brief - create on computer and post on your blog
  • A storyboard for your brief - 10-12 key frames
  • Mock-up two of the ancillary products for your brief
    • check with your brief which you should do
    • research example of these ancillary products - post examples
    • mock-up product but do not attempt a finished version - just experiment
    • think about what software applications you will need to learn to create a finished version
  • Write a short evaluation on your process on your blog
For those of you who HAVEN'T complete the TREATMENT.
  • Complete the treatment and post on your blog
  • And then move onto the above tasks
All tasks should be completed by FRIDAY 6th JULY

Ensure that you REGISTER with Ms Novak at the beginning of P1, beginning of P3 - Mr Critchley will be visiting you during the morning to see that you are okay, check that you are working responsibly and are clear about what to do.