Sunday 27 January 2013

A2 Collective Identity

Research sources

Government Census data
Collective Identity Youtube channel
The Guardian census article
The Guardian black British history Downton Abbey etc.
The Guardian British Citizenship test article and links
BBC charter
Ipsos-Mori survey of Young British people
BBC short history of immigration

How and why has British collective identity changed over the last 50 years and how is this reflected 
through the media?

Your work this afternoon is to explore the sources above and find in them a range of quotations. 
Use these to answer the question.
To help this. Create a mind map of how British identity has changed through the media. 
Add links to texts and  quotations which might help to clarify the changes.


Create a presentation in which you explore the question using the sources provided and
perhaps some others as well. Make it visual, informed and referenced (ie include your references
clearly in your presentation)

This work is preparation for your first full Collective Identity essay in answer to this question.

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