Tuesday 26 February 2013

AS Case Study Research: Avengers Assemble

Homework..."for your consideration." (You do HAVE to complete it though).

A link to the lesson PowerPoint can be found on my page along with all the other resources I have used so far.

Complete the research you started on Avengers Assemble. We will be discussing your findings at the start of next Tuesday's lesson.

Remember, the AS course involves a lot of independent study and research. Look up the meaning of terminology you are unfamiliar with. We will do further work in class on this, but it will be of great benefit to you if you look into it yourself also.

I look forward to seeing your rushes on Thursday.

Miss. Patel

Friday 22 February 2013

A2 APs

Despite the room being open yesterday and today for work, I have only seen two of you in working on your productions.

We will be reviewing them again this Wednesday and establishing what you need to do to complete them and discussing once again what support you may need for this.

It is therefore vital that you are all in on Monday to discuss how we are going to approach this given that it was our intention to have a viewing this Wednesday after school for the year 10 extra curricula class.

Current state of play for groups as far as I am aware: please let me know amendments, I have colour coded you according to your chance of achieving your target grade: Green - on target, Amber - just below target, Red - significantly under-achieving.

Rebecca and Lauren
  • research and planning - nearing completion
  • Main - complete
  • Ancillary 1 and 2 - complete?
  • Evaluations - underway
  • research and planning - underway
  • Main - mid-way through edit
  • Ancillary 1 and 2 - underway
  • Evaluations - not started
Hodo and Rana
  • research and planning - underway
  • Main - still to complete picture edit
  • Ancillary 1 and 2 - ?
  • Evaluations - not started
  • research and planning - underway
  • Main - nearing completion
  • Ancillary 1 and 2 - 1 complete, 2 nearing completion?
  • Evaluations - not started
  • research and planning - underway
  • Main - not sure - earlier version complete but being re-edited
  • Ancillary 1 and 2 - 1 complete and 2 underway?
  • Evaluations - not started
Josh and Valeriya
  • research and planning - underway
  • Main - picture edit nearing completion
  • Ancillary 1 and 2 - completed or nearing completion
  • Evaluations - not started



Less than a week till the AS shoot is completed and I hope you have all been successful in filming your trailers or are ready to do so this weekend.

I have seen one member of one group in to edit already which is good for them. However, I have seen little sign of others. I am presuming that everything is going well behind the scenes, I hope so...

Equipment and filmed material

As you know, all equipment is due back next Thursday and all groups MUST bring their filmed material on SD card, hard drive or similar to the quadruple media lesson that day to upload footage and begin the edit. No excuses will be excepted.

I cannot stress to you how vital it is to complete this part of the process within the time. Failure to film at all will result in a fail for this unit.

Check list for Thursday:

  • all school equipment: cameras, tripods, lights, tracks etc.
  • SD card or hard drive or similar with filmed material
  • updated blogs with evidence of what you have done - diary entries for filming days etc.
NB. Absence without a medical note or specific prior permission will be considered a serious breach of your responsibilities and a major step towards being asked to leave the course.

Wednesday 20 February 2013


C1 will be open Thursday and Friday from 9.30am - 3.30pm

I will be in and out on Thursday so you are welcome to edit but I cannot supervise you or assist. On Friday there will be some competition for iMacs with year 11 and year 10XC who will have priority for their controlled assessments. However, you may well be lucky if you pick the right machines to work on.

Please do email me with any difficulties you encounter or any advice you may need.

Saturday 16 February 2013


Please make sure that you update your blogs regularly about how your shoot is going. I will be in school all day Friday and briefly on Thursday as well. If you need to speak to me please email.

Messages for various groups:

Moonlight: Tarryn - your father's number received, I will call him Thursday regarding your transport needs

Conta:  I spoke to Lacey regarding your permissions for Chiswick House - I hope you got it emailed to them as requested. Let me know how the shoot went on your blog.

Bloddy Productions:  Not received any equipment permission slip back from you and clearly no one came on Friday to pick anything up so I presume you have all the equipment you need. I received some permission from Ms Coleman. You can use the Beatrix Potter block but not on Tuesday or Thursday of the half term week.

Good luck to all of you. remember, keep focussed, use the Rodriguez techniques of shooting, be disciplined and safe and have fun too.

Mr H

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Wednesday Lessons 1-4

You will have uninterrupted time this morning to work independently on completing your main and ancillary products to the highest standard. You will be registered at the beginning of P1 and P3 and checked up on periodically throughout the morning.

The expectation is that you can manage your time effectively.

Rana and Hodo
Josh and Valeriya

  • Complete picture edit for short film including titling
  • Aim to create a simple sound track of sync sound by using the detach audio tool and then extending sound a little either side of the edit and 'ramping it' so that all sound transitions are smooth between shots. Do not add music or sound fx in iMovie.
  • Upload this version to your blog for me to view and give notes
  • Share to media browers and migrate to garageband to begin sound edit if time
  • Complete BOTH ancillary products (final versions I hope) and save as JPEGs - both must be uploaded to blog as well for marking
  • Continue with evidence collecting and include all versions to show progress, feedback from audience etc.
Yasmin and Habiba
  • Complete picture edit and titling - remove music and sound FX and apply same ideas as above though maintaining conventions of a teaser trailer
  • Share to media browser
  • Sound edit in garageband - adding back music, Sound FX etc.
  • upload to blog so that I can view
  • Upload completed Ancillary products to AP websites
  • Continue with evidence collecting and show all versions of ancillaries to demonstrate progress on your websites
  • Complete main edit and upload to blog
  • Complete ancillary products - detail is very important
  • Continue to build your portfolio of evidence on your blog - show versions and feedback from audience
Rebecca and Lauren
  • Check all products are complete to required standard - think about them being real world products with all expected institutional elements
  • Continue to plan evaluations and create audio visual resources - mini documentaries - which will illustrate your answers

All essays which were due Monday must be uploaded to blogs by the end of the day.

Finally, I will expect to see a post appear on your blog today which  tells me what you achieved in the lesson time.

Monday 4 February 2013

A2 Collective ID

Media and Collective Identity - EXAMINERS FEEDBACK

One very strong centre facilitated rich learning where candidates were able to utilise the ideas of Gauntlett on identity along with Judith Butler and a range of others very well in relation to film and magazines (with the exception of Lacan whose ‘mirror stage’ was usually misunderstood). There did tend to be an overwhelming sense of a prepared answer with almost all candidates beginning with ‘Gauntlett says ‘identity is complicated’) but whilst this may have been dull for the examiner after a while, candidates are not penalised for this approach. Other candidates considered the representation of youth and urban communities in music and other media and answers varied from sensitive and informed negotiations of the nature of subculture in 2010 whilst weaker candidates set up unhelpful and crude binary oppositions and crass generalisations about whole swathes of young people, ironically perhaps. Most pleasing was the ability of some candidates to take highly contemporary examples – eg the music of Dizzee Rascal and discuss them in theoretical contexts such as hegemony, democracy and representation and, again through Gauntlett, negotiated ‘self-help’ gender representation. A key piece of advice for centres is to move candidates away from generalised ideas of how ‘the media’ represent people and ideas and towards more ‘micro’ level discussions of how people give meaning to particular kinds of media in relation to their identities. 

  • Highlight passage and copy to your own blog.
  • Underline references and terminology which you do not understand
  • Research to find answers and identify the sources which are unfamiliar - example Gauntlett

You are the Teacher for this class set.
Username Prefix:bsfga2media  (followed by the individual number I have given you)
Password Prefix:bsfga2media (as above)

Task 2:
  • Apply knowledge to write a paragraph about Guantlett's theories regarding collective identity.
HW 1
  • What do you need to do to write a decent essay? Make a check list.

Media and Collective Identity

6  With reference to any one group of people that you have studied, discuss how their identity has been ‘mediated’.

7  “Media representations are complex, not simple and straightforward”. How far do you agree with this statement in relation to the collective group that you have studied?

Write a draft of an essay for one or other of the titles. Ensure that you use the ideas you have listed in your check list and that your essay explores your chosen area of focus in detail.

AS Peer Assessment Feedback - Cinematography Presentations

Peer Assessment Feedback - Cinematography Presentations I was pleased that all groups managed to present their work to the class. Use the feedback given by your peers to improve/complete your research on cinematography. Look back at the requirements of the task to ensure you have included all the necessary elements. I expect to see your Prezi uploaded to your group blog, in the research section, by Thursday 7th February.

Peer Assessment Feedback - Cinematography Presentations by MissPatelMedia