Tuesday 12 March 2013

AS Understanding Filmmaking - The Business

Use this website to carry out your section of the reasearch task: Creative Skillset

  • E-mail me your presentation so I can link it to the blog
  • You will be feeding back to your peers at 2.40pm
It is vital that all the information is shared as it will be applied to an essay question and be a useful revision tool.

1. The Idea

1. The Idea (2)

2& 3. Finance & Script Development

5&6. Financing & Pre-production

7. Shoot

8. Post-production

9. Sales

10&11. Marketing & Exhibition

12. Other Windows

Using the resources your peers have provided you with, key terminology and your own research, write the following essay:

Discuss the ways in which media products are produced, and distributed to audiences, within a media area, which you have studied. (50marks)

media products = films
media area = the film industry
include detailed references to Working Title

DUE: Tuesday 19th March

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