Please ensure that you have all created SMART targets for yourselves using the principles set out below:
S - specific, significant, stretching
M - measurable, meaningful, motivational
A - agreed upon, attainable, achievable, acceptable, action-oriented
R - realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding, results-oriented
T - time-based, timely, tangible, trackable
These should all be achievable and measurable and we all know that the final measure is exam and coursework success but before that is defined for you, YOU must define what you hope to achieve.
To concentrate the mind:
Coursework blogs/websites MUST Be completed by Thursday 5th of May - at this point all I will want from you is the URL of your blog or website. This is what I will be marking and submitting and I will have one week to do this for all of you and all of the A2 students for Media Studies and English Language and Literature.
Must include:
- Research and Planning for both main task and preliminary exercise detail and variety is helpful, poor spelling, grammar and unchecked work will lose you marks. 20 marks are available.
- All thought processes that you went through in the planning and research stages
- Storyboards, drawings, planning, photos of cast and locations, shooting logs, risk assessments etc.
- Research into similar products, analysis of opening sequences, trailers, posters, marketing and demonstration of good understanding of how film drama openings are constructed.
- Your preliminary exercise(s) whichever you were involved (ensure that it is clear what you did and that you have made some evaluation of it). In your group it is likely that both will be on your blog - make it clear which is yours, your involvement and your understanding of what has been learnt - failure to do this will automatically lose you 15 marks out of the 100.
- You completed FILM OPENING production viewable as an embedded video using your YouTube account. Check it works if it doesn't then you will get 0 out of 60 for the production.
- Any ancilliary tasks you completed including trailers, documentaries, research, evaluations etc.
- All 7 evaluations questions MUST be answered in detail there are 20 marks available for this.
- A variety of approaches is useful and it is certainly best NOT to write them all.
- Filming these evaluations is a good way to demonstrate that you KNOW what you are doing but time is short so don't over stretch yourself and leave it too late to shoot, edit and upload.
Till end of term:
Week beginning 28th March
Tuesday's lessons:
P6&7 Focussed on feedback from essays on Film case study and prep for BFI trip on Thursday.
Thursday's lessons:
P1-4 BFI trip leaving school 9am arriving back 1.30pm. Bring notebooks, pens, paper and brains.
HOMEWORK: mock essay on Film case study for following Thursday.
Week beginning 4th April
Tuesday's lessons:
P6&7 TV Drama viewing and analysis
Thursday's lesson:
P1&2 TV Drama essay writing
P3&4 Assessment of Foundation Porfolio bogs/websites Evaluations (you all must have something ready by this date though possibly not with completed evaluations.)
HOMEWORK: evaluations of Film Openings answering all 7 questions MUST be completed during the Easter Break.
Monday 11th April
10-3 - Coursework catch-up and completion session.
You can ALL work on your blogs to ensure that they are complete by the beginning of the summer term. If you need to film you can use any suitable camera or camera-phone and you will have to edit by any means possible as the school will not be available for you to use.
Week beginning 25th April
Tuesday 26th April
P6&7 Film Case studies review and mini essay
Check FOUNDATION PORTFOLIO BLOGS/WEBSITES - must be complete by this date!
After school catch-up till 4.30 for unfinished blogs/websites
Thursday 28th April
P1&2 TV Drama analysis and practice essay
P3&4 Final Touches to Foundation Portfolio - checking all links work, ensuring all spelling, grammar etc is accurate.
Week beginning 2nd May
Tuesday 3rd May
P6&7 Film Case Study
Thursday 5th May
P1&2 TV Drama
P3&4 FP final review
Week beginning 9th of May
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