Sunday 25 November 2012

A2 ancillary products and course update

Monday's lessons

In today's lessons in The Heart you objective will be to complete a detailed mock up of one of your ancillary products to a point where it can be posted on your blog. your homework has been to repeated for this so it is vital that you bring with you or have available in some digital form all materials you need to complete this task.

In addition, please bring your diaries/journals as to will be making appointments to see me on parents evening with your parents. If you or they do not come, you will be asked to come in with them on another occasion perhaps less convenient.

On your blogs

Ensure that you have published a schedule for completion of the post production for your main product and two ancillary products. These should be completed by the 20th of December as I will be looking at them and giving levels over the winter break. Please be aware that the levels generated will form the basis of your projected grade in the spring reports and of course your current approach to your work has a direct bearing on the grade I will be predicting for UCAS.

Advanced Portfolio

As you all know and I'm sure are more than aware of the AP is presented digitally and excellence in this presentation is vital for a high level at A2. Once you have completed your main and ancillary products you will be completing your evaluations and I will be looking for sophisticated use of technology and innovation in your presentation. You will struggle to gain the highest marks without this.

In other words, writing your evaluation and reading out while illustrating it with moving or still images will not be enough. Please been thinking now how you can challenge the form, develop and apply new ways of using the skills you have and the technology we have available to enhance this. Web or blog The choice is there for you to make and make it you must. Some of you have already made the choice and started t build your AP site or blog. Please make sure that I have access to this and that you are covering all the relevant areas.

These are:

  • Research 
  • Development 
  • Planing 
  • Preproduction 
  • Productions 
  • Post-production 
  • Evaluation

Remember that you must consider how your products fit into the genre and form you have chosen, how they work in historical, social, economic and perhaps political terms. Think about how they subvert or develop the conventions of the genre and form. Make sure that you are documenting the processes including the use of technology, the problems encountered and the hurdles overcome.


During December, I will be running vivas with all of you. This is an oral test of your knowledge and understanding of what you have been doing this term and will contribute to my grading of your work. We will film theses orals and you may be able to use this as a part of your process of evaluation. As you can see, a lot of work must be completed in the next four weeks and I therefore expect to see a lot more of you in C1 or online on your logs than I have of late.

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