Tuesday 13 November 2012


Final deadline for informing me about whether you want to go on the trip is today. You MUST let me know if you want to go by 1pm on Wednesday the 14th Novemebr, as I will be calling the organisers and confirming the numbers after this time and before 5pm.

If you are unable to confirm, then we may be able to get more tickets after this date but you run the risk of not getting one.

The trip will only run in 10 or more students sign up.

A2 students

Today's lessons require you to bring in any and all camera equipment and footage which you may have on a disk at home. It is essential that all footage is saved onto the school server. You will be editing your work but also preparing other elements of your portfolio.We will be looking at some exemplar and seeing how you can improve on what you are currently doing.

AS students

Tomorrow (Thursday's lesson) will be focussed on further development of your filming skills, examination of some film openings and beginning preparation for your Foundation Portfolio. We will be beginning research into genre, narrative and ideology as well as looking at audience and representations.

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