Friday 9 December 2011

Presentation on Tuesday

This Tuesday you will be presenting the advertising strategy for your film to the class in a five minute presentation.

It should include, at a minimum:

- An audience profile for your film. (Who is going to watch it?)

- An advertising strategy (How are you going to advertise it?)

- A publicity stunt (A public event to advertise your film.)

All of these are hypothetical. You don't actually need to carry out your advertising or publicity stunt, so think big!

5 minutes can be a long time to present, so make your presentation interesting! Use images and videos, and consider asking the audience to take part.

You should use Prezi. Tutorials are available on the site.

This is Mr. Curran's last lesson. No boring presentations please!

Thursday 8 December 2011


Please note that those of you who have not made any attempt to complete the outstanding analyses of TV Drama clips (Primevil, Blackpool, Hotel Babylon, Secret Diary of a Call Girl) will be completing these essays tomorrow afternoon.

Those with completed work will have a little treat!

Friday 2 December 2011


A few important dates that I thought you should be aware of.

    • 24th - 30th January
    • 31st January - 6th February

All groups will have access to the following equipment during these weeks ONLY and you should be planning your film openings accordingly.

  • Equipment list:
  • Canon Camcorder with SD card, charger and bag
  • Tripod
  • LED light and charger
You are welcome to use your own camera facilities BUT you must ensure that the material which you film/record is uploaded to an iMacs in C1.

Also available subject to insurance, transport, storyboard and schedule:

  • green screen facilities
  • croma key facilities in Heart
  • dolly and tracks (2 kits)
  • additional lighting
Although we have been focussing a lot recently in my lessons on representations, it is a given that you should be working independently on your FOundation Portfolios and preparing for the film shoots next January and February. 

Editing and Sound post-production
  • Editing will be on the iMacs in C1 and in order to achieve a good grade you will need to spend several hours after school. This all counts towards your final grade and is justified in my mark. From January therefore a booking sheet will be available for the iMacs. 
  • Sound post production does require some special mention as it is one of the nest ways to improve your grade. Recording sound effects, writing music and enhancing the sound of the film is a vital part of the process and there are some additional resources in the Heart which we will be making available for this.
In the meantime, it is essential that you all continue to work on your Portfolios and to update them with the research and planning tasks you have undertaken to date. Also ensure that I have been invited to the blog or I shan't be able to advise.

Friday 25 November 2011


Well done all today - you were very focussed and there were a lot of good ideas, observations and comment.

Now I need you all to turn this into something solid called the ESSAY - the clip and essay title are on the TV drama page as always.

Having done a quick check through the blogs it is clear that not everyone has written the first two essays - make sure that they are there or face the consequences.


I am still awaiting invitations to the Foundation Portfolio blogs from a number of you - these MUST be sent immediately and you must also adjust you BLOG settings along the lines I have suggested in an earlier post. Any questions please let me know.

Monday 21 November 2011


SO far I have received few if any.

Please invite me ASAP.

remember that you MUST have your work on the 9 frame and your storyboard completed by tomorrow.

Friday 18 November 2011


ALl details can be found on the G322 TV drama page.

Don't forget that your 9 frame analysis and storyboards MUST be completed for Tuesday P1.


Due to changes in our school internet usage policy we have to make some important changes to the way we use the blogs.

Please do the following.

Change people who can read the blog to ONLY PEOPLE I CHOOSE
The add my email - tholloway@(at the usual school address)

Then save - you may add each other from your group but no one from outside the class.


Tuesday 15 November 2011


For your home study you must complete the script and storyboards in detail.

These should show how codes, narrative, characters are revealled. It is about showing us your thinking as well as making powerful working doucments for your own films.

These will be due on Friday and should be on your blogs (scripts) or on paper for Storyboards - if you can get them onto the script brilliant.


Tuesday 8 November 2011


AS L5&6 med & rep

Friday 4 November 2011

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Guardian Teacher Network

Guardian Teacher Network

Please find the resources for SUBMARINE above. Complete the tasks on your blog.

Tuesday 11 October 2011


I have spoken to most of your regarding your recent test and we have discussed working levels and what you need to do to improve. I am please to say that of those I have met with none will be leaving the course at this stage. Those who still have to take the test and meet with me must ensure that this is done this week. You know who you are.

As you can see we are in the enviable position of having a lot of production resources available to us, both camera equipment and research/reading resources. It is very important if you are to progress that you make use of the later as much as the former.



  1. Ensure that you have read the chapter on Foundation Portfolio - Video Production in the ebook. See previous posts for link and login information. You will have a short test on this on Friday.
  2. Also, please begin reading the Course Handbook which I provided you with today. As you are aware the cost for this is £5 if you lose it and it has to be replaced - you will need it and you are expected to bring it to every class.
  3. Also read the article in the latest copy of Media Magazine - The Ps in Production. (login details in the previous post)


  1. You are all expected to continue with your preparations for the film. I am expecting to review your progress on the productions next Tuesday along with your blogs and I want to find that you are all staying on top of the work and pulling your weight in your groups.
  2. Please check out Dependent Films website and use some of the forms that they provide for your production. 
  3. You should be planning location scouting/recce to find the most suitable places to film and taking photos of them, thinking about casting of characters from your friends or setting up auditions perhaps. All the while ensuring that the evidence for all of this goes on your blog (or a dedicated blog for your group which you all have access to.

Finally, please ensure that all your blogs are up to date with all work set since the beginning of term, I will be reviewing them all this weekend and early next week.



Check out the link to Media Magazine in the VITAL LINKS section bottom right.

Use the following login to access the site and read, download and enjoy.

Media Magazine is aimed at YOU and is designed to develop your skills. If you use it to research you will improve your grades. If you quote from it in your research you must ensure that you reference it clearly and make your own comments and analysis.

Read the articles on production in the latest issue.

Media Magazine

The login and password are:


Also check out the link to DEPENDENT FILMS which gives you access to all manner of useful documents which could be included in your portfolio - location release forms, risk assessments, script template, storyboarding, contracts etc. You will need to adapt these to use them but they show that you understand how important the planning is and demonstrate your professional approach. Good work experience stuff whatever you go on to do after school.

Tuesday 4 October 2011


Please re view and analyse the filming techniques used.

Think about how story is created, tension built through use of sound and image and the variety of shots.

Remember it is your responsibility to ensure that your sequences are using the appropriate shots and developing narrative coherently.


  • Preliminary Sequence - script, shot list and storyboard
  • Main task - continue development of this, ensuring that you are all working towards the same thing.
  • read the chapter from the ebook identified in the last home learning - YOU WILL BE FORMALLY TESTED ON THIS ON FRIDAY AS YOUR ASSESSMENT.

Friday 30 September 2011


Well done those of you who presented today. There were some impressive presentations with a lot of very exciting ideas. Many of you presented powerful images and there was clearly a great deal of thought. Those of you who didn't present please could you ensure that you are ready for Tuesday.

In addition can you all adjust/amend your questionnaires about your presentations and film projects if you feel there are further areas you would like feedback about. And also could you complete the feedback on those who have presented so far - one less thing to do next week.



I have secured for you all access to an e-book which you can use for revision and to help stay on top of the course, terminology and key concepts.

Centre ID: 26158
Username: 26158vy
Password: erteach


Prepare for Tuesday's assessment in Media by ensuring that you are familiar with media languages, shot sizes, denotation and connotation, diegetic and non-diegetic sound etc. I also want you to be able to show your wider reading and knowledge through your ability to comment about Audience, Institution and Representation.


Tuesday 27 September 2011

Friday 23 September 2011


AS L5 Fri20


Write a short synopsis for your film idea: 1 page
Write a 25 word pitch for the idea: look up movie pitches to get some idea
Include both in a presentation for a new movie which you are going to make the first 2 minutes. Make the presentation visual and exciting.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Today's lesson

Follow the above link


Monday 19 September 2011


On Friday we looked at developing our skills in analysing moving image using the 5 media languages:

Our focus was on a specific film opening. Three Colours Blue. I asked you all to make notes in class on this and write them up for Home learning. My hope and expectation is that you will do this on your blogs.

Here is the clip for reference. The powerpoint as you know was subject to a technical fault so there isn;t one this time. Next time however...

Tuesday 13 September 2011

First Lesson


What is Media? Why is Social Media vital a revolution? How do we interact with the Media?

AS OCR L1 2011

Monday 12 September 2011


Watch the video above and create your own blog.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Monday Evening

There will be a last minute revision class between 3.30 and 4.30pm on Monday the 16th for all who feel that they need it.

We will spend 30 minutes on TV drama - possible representations and important terminology and 30 minutes on Film: Audience and Institutions - key words, areas to focus on and things to remember.

Hope to see you all there.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Homework: Due 10th May

Complete researching your chosen film:

All the questions are offered as guidelines on the PowerPoint below; there will be questions that you may not be able to answer; it is down to you to work on the development of your own chosen film from concept to screen: from the institution to audience.
As Audience and Ins 26.4.11

Monday 2 May 2011

Tuesday 3rd May

Lessons will be focussed on Film section of exam - further practice and analysis, it is very important that you use your Film Guide to prepare for this.

There will be time - the last time you are likely to have - after school for completing your Foundation Portfolio blogs and ensuring that it all works as well as it can and that all entries are appropriately tagged. It is very important that you ensure that I am clear about the level of involvement you have put in to your coursework so that I can award marks accurately.

Remember that the mark scheme showing HOW I reward your work can be found on the OCR website in the specification or mark scheme section.

Thursday 28 April 2011

Homework - Tuesday 3rd May

Practice again the question that we have completed in class. Watch the clip again and analyse Camera shots, angles, movement and consumption, Editing, Sound and Mise en scene. 
Post your work on the blog
Hotel Babylon Series 1 Episode 5 – Start 6 minutes in 
Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs the representation of ethnicity using the following: 1 Hour
Camera shots, angles, movement and consumption
1  Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs the representation of gender using the following: 1 Hour
• Camera shots, angles, movement and composition
• Editing
• Sound and Mise en scene
Analysis of Doctor Who

The following notes are selected examples from the extract only.
Camera Shot, Angle and Composition

Mid shot of female character, Martha Jones framed with two security guards behind, signifying imprisonment, or that she is held captive. In a mid shot, Martha glances to the left creating the impression that she is looking at something or someone.

Cut to a tracking shot left to right shot of three ‘servants’ apparently under arrest, signified by the uniformed guard who is holding an armed rifle. Cut back to the framing of Martha Jones who is looking nervously ahead, the camera shot is taken from a high angle, creating a perspective of fear or not knowing.

Cut to a mid shot of the Master, from a low angle, this suited character has a menacing appearance to him, the camera cut back to the female as she then looks right, signify continual awareness of what is around her. Cut to a blackened faced man who is also held captive (Captain Jack) who has ‘been in the wars’.

There is the use of gradual zooms in this sequence of shots to signify the movement of the character as slow, meaningful, perhaps hesitant? This is anchored by the atmosphere of the music as is the Martha Jones who is on parade or about to bow/ become subservient to the Master.

In contrast, earth is represented by the shots of the female character, who is on a journey informing the people of the crucial name they all need to chant: Doctor. Earth is represented as gloomy and in danger. Earth’s inhabitants appear dull and dressed in mundane rags.

Mise en scène

In metamorphosis the doctor is surrounded by a radiant blue light as he changes from a fragile old man to the his real self. The dominance of the field of light is a part of the special effect, which signifies an empowered Doctor. This can clearly be contrasted to the feeble old man who was caged by the Master. A rejuvenated doctor is strong, confident and at the top of his powers, signified by the ineffectiveness of the Master’s ray gun in trying to kill the Doctor.

The use of costume and performance is important to the extract. The humans are represented by the ‘ordinariness’ of their costume and actions. In contrast, the Master is bold smart and well presented, he is surrounded by armed guards with weapons, the woman to his right in a red dress, is represented as an object as she stands by his side, as do his uniformed male helpers to his left.

For most of the extract the Master is positioned powerfully in the frame whilst he controls the interior of the spaceship and the characters, the Doctor undergoes a transformation when the Doctor becomes a man again, he is reborn and becomes a powerful challenger to the Master’s powers, which have evaded him by the end of the extract.


The exposure of the Master’s weapon ‘tings’ and the zap of the laser gun at the end of the sequence, signifies weapon like qualities. These sounds are diegetic and apart of the world of the drama. The pulses of music are used to signify moments of flashback and function as signposts for these narrative changes.

The wind is harrowing as Martha Jones walks the earth and the metallic jingle, which accompanies the Doctor’s metamorphosis, signifies the magic of the transformation.

Confidence is exuded by the Master’s voice and the dialogue is important in the function of the narrative, for example in his glee and oratory in destroying earth. The voice of the Martha Jones is important and significantly develops and becomes more pronounced, when the extract reveals her role as the messenger, this voice changes from the timid to be more confident and louder as she explains her role in the Master’s downfall.


The editing is characterised by the use of cut transitions and the use of transitional flash effects to signpost past events. The pacing of the extract is important at the beginning of the sequence it is slow and orchestrated as the female character slowly marches towards the Master – this slowness in the sequence of shots signifies her attention, to what is happening around her.

The editing is more dramatic and faster paced when the prime minister is controlling the technology and in conversation, where editing provides continuity through the use of character perspective and functions to carry the narrative forward.

There is plenty evidence of the use of shot reverse shots, for example in dialogue between Martha Jones and the Master. The use of the 180-degree rule is evidenced in the dialogue led drama, these are combined with the shot selections outlined above. The use of the shot reverse shot provides continuity in the narrative as the plot is revealed and develops specific points of view for the audience, particularly in relation to the conversation between Martha Jones and the Doctor.


Martha Jones is represented as a strong woman who acts centrally to the function of the narrative and is a messenger. Martha is a confident woman and it is she who helps the Doctor defeat the Master. She is articulate and confident, yet calm under pressure. The Doctor’s success is due to her intelligent and calm actions and her role of delivering the message to the four corners of the earth.
Mise en scene

Monday 25 April 2011

This Week


Week beginning 25th April

Tuesday 26th April

P6&7   Film Case studies review and mini essay - you will be expected to write a half essay answer based on the research you have been doing and your reading of the revision handbook which I posted on the blog. 

Remember, that all FOUNDATION PORTFOLIO BLOGS/WEBSITES - should be completed by tomorrow and there will be an after school catch-up till 5pm for unfinished blogs/websites. We will be reviewing these during lessons to ensure that you are up to date.

Thursday 28th April

P1&2   TV Drama analysis and practice essay and assessment - another unseen text viewed in the usual way and analysed in detail. The essay will be completed for HOMEWORK and posted on the blog or emailed.
P3&4   Final Touches to Foundation Portfolio - checking all links work, ensuring all spelling, grammar      etc is accurate. This is really just to ensure complete functionality and to begin the formal paperwork which also needs to be completed. It is a fact that I have to send DVDs with all the opening sequences to the moderator and these need to be made and sent prior to the deadline. Also, there are a number of forms to be completed for all students, all of which takes time.

Time is available after school IF there is anything requiring further work.

HOMEWORK: complete practice essay, CORRECT ANY OUTSTANDING ISSUES WITH BLOGS/WEBSITES - though I anticipate that all of these should have been solved in class and that all blogs will function well.

Friday 8 April 2011


The session will start at 9am and run till lunchtime.

Please ensure that you are on time and with a plan for what you hope to achieve.

All camera equipment will be locked away at 12pm.

Wednesday 6 April 2011


In today's lessons we looked at the opening 5 minutes from series 1 of Benidorm and series 1 of The Thick of It. Both these comedy dramas offer dramatically different styles and approaches to production and demonstrate different aesthetics and shooting styles as well as contrasting editing techniques.

Our representations focus for Benidorm was intially CLASS but we also explored FAMILY, AGE and COUPLES.

In looking at The Thick of It we examined representations of POLITICIANS, STATUS and OFFICES.

All of you who were there should write up your notes and post these on your blogs.

This Thursday we will be looking at other unseen texts in Periods 1 & 2 and writing some paragraphs in preparation for the exam.

Period's 3&4 will be focussed on Portfolio Assessment including your group blogs. Please ensure that these are ready and available to view.

Tuesday 5 April 2011


Here are the class targets for all of you which will be coming out in your Spring Targets report sent home this week.
  • Download and read film institution support guide from blog and use in revision for exam
  • Watch and analyse TV drama regularly with a focus on representations and how they are created through camera, mise en scene, sound and edit.
  • Complete Foundation Portfolio (coursework) including evaluation questions ASAP.
They are obvious and you know them. In addition you all need to work on becoming more secure with your use of terminology (not just knowing the terms but knowing how to apply).

Check out this website for some useful information.

Most of all, spend time each day applying the knowledge you have by writing practice paragraphs on every TV drama you watch.


Today we will be viewing your presentations of the research which you completed at the BFI.

We will also be taking a look at the revision booklet I have posted online and how this can support you in your preparation for the exam.

Please all ensure that you have your presentations ready by 1.40pm but don't panic and don't feel embarrassed, they are only meant to last a few minutes and should be really focussed of the three key area of the film industry you have been studying.

  • Finance, development and pre-production
  • Production including developments in technology
  • Distribution and exhibition including film marketing
All of course connecting with the audience, how they become aware of the film and how they consume it. 

Wednesday 30 March 2011

BFI Trip

BFI Library trip - Research 

Each of you have been given a film to research. I will give you each a question sheet tomorrow (it will help you focus your research).

Amanda - Atonement
Chandni - Love Actually
Aneta - Bridget Jones
Ash - Sean of the Dead/ United 93
Latasha - Nanny McPhee
Amira - A Serious Man
Loren - Four Weddings/ Green Zone

There will be a range of articles indexed for each film plus the printouts on Working Title will
cover most of the ground as they should range from pre-production notes to on set interviews
to the marketing round of reviews etc. 

There will also be books on Working Title for you to look at.


Tuesday 29 March 2011


Revision Booklet Film Industry

Sunday 27 March 2011



Please ensure that you have all created SMART targets for yourselves using the principles set out below:

S - specific, significant, stretching
M - measurable, meaningful, motivational
A - agreed upon, attainable, achievable, acceptable, action-oriented
R - realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding, results-oriented
T - time-based, timely, tangible, trackable

These should all be achievable and measurable and we all know that the final measure is exam and coursework success but before that is defined for you, YOU must define what you hope to achieve.


To concentrate the mind:

Coursework blogs/websites MUST Be completed by Thursday 5th of May - at this point all I will want from you is the URL of your blog or website. This is what I will be marking and submitting and I will have one week to do this for all of you and all of the A2 students for Media Studies and English Language and Literature.


Must include:


  • Research and Planning for both main task and preliminary exercise detail and variety is helpful, poor spelling, grammar and unchecked work will lose you marks. 20 marks are available.
  • All thought processes that you went through in the planning and research stages
  • Storyboards, drawings, planning, photos of cast and locations, shooting logs, risk assessments etc.
  • Research into similar products, analysis of opening sequences, trailers, posters, marketing and demonstration of good understanding of how film drama openings are constructed.


  • Your preliminary exercise(s) whichever you were involved (ensure that it is clear what you did and that you have made some evaluation of it). In your group it is likely that both will be on your blog - make it clear which is yours, your involvement and your understanding of what has been learnt - failure to do this will automatically lose you 15 marks out of the 100.
  • You completed FILM OPENING production viewable as an embedded video using your YouTube account. Check it works if it doesn't then you will get 0 out of 60 for the production.
  • Any ancilliary tasks you completed including trailers, documentaries, research, evaluations etc.
  • All 7 evaluations questions MUST be answered in detail there are 20 marks available for this.
  • A variety of approaches is useful and it is certainly best NOT to write them all.
  • Filming these evaluations is a good way to demonstrate that you KNOW what you are doing but time is short so don't over stretch yourself and leave it too late to shoot, edit and upload.


Till end of term:

Week beginning 28th March

Tuesday's lessons: 
P6&7    Focussed on feedback from essays on Film case study and prep for BFI trip on Thursday.

Thursday's lessons: 
P1-4     BFI trip leaving school 9am arriving back 1.30pm. Bring notebooks, pens, paper and brains.

HOMEWORK: mock essay on Film case study for following Thursday.

Week beginning 4th April

Tuesday's lessons: 
P6&7    TV Drama viewing and analysis

Thursday's lesson: 
P1&2    TV Drama essay writing
P3&4    Assessment of Foundation Porfolio bogs/websites Evaluations (you all must have something ready by this date though possibly not with completed evaluations.)

HOMEWORK: evaluations of Film Openings answering all 7 questions MUST be completed during the Easter Break. 


Monday 11th April

10-3  - Coursework catch-up and completion session.

You can ALL work on your blogs to ensure that they are complete by the beginning of the summer term. If you need to film you can use any suitable camera or camera-phone and you will have to edit by any means possible as the school will not be available for you to use.


Week beginning 25th April

Tuesday 26th April

P6&7   Film Case studies review and mini essay
            Check FOUNDATION PORTFOLIO BLOGS/WEBSITES - must be complete by this date!
            After school catch-up till 4.30 for unfinished blogs/websites

Thursday 28th April

P1&2   TV Drama analysis and practice essay
P3&4   Final Touches to Foundation Portfolio - checking all links work, ensuring all spelling, grammar      etc is accurate.


Week beginning 2nd May

Tuesday 3rd May

P6&7    Film Case Study

Thursday 5th May
P1&2    TV Drama
P3&4    FP final review


Week beginning 9th of May


Friday 18 March 2011


Please find the powerpoint for this Thursday's lessons on TV Drama.

AS TV drama exam prep

Please be prepared for Tuesday's lessons when we will be exploring essay writing skills in detail.

Saturday 12 March 2011


Create a POSTER and STORYBOARD the teaser trailer for your film that you pitched 

A film distribution company will know what attracts people to films and so they will tailor their marketing campaigns to appeal to what audiences want. They will need to communicate information about a film to audiences in a way that will make them not only aware of the film but also in a way that will make them want to see it

  • WHO – will it appeal to, who is the Target Audience
  • WHEN – Timing is everything
  • HOW – do you make your Target Audience aware of the film.  How do you make them want to go and see it

1. Using the Storyboard template, create a teaser trailer for your film pitch

The Teaser Trailer tells you some basic information about the film, which will:

• Make you aware that the film will be opening in the future
• Make you aware of who is in the film
• Make you aware of the genre of the film
• Give you an idea of the story of the film

The teaser trailer gives you ideas and also awareness about the film.

• When will the film open?
• What type of film is it?
• Who is in it?

2. Create a Poster for your film

• Information posters give you
• Highlight key aspects of the film
• Strap line
• Colour
• Certification

Thursday 10 March 2011

Friday 4 March 2011


Please ensure that you have completed the half term homework by next Tuesday.

Also, ensure that you have posted a summative paragraph reflecting on yesterday's lessons exploring the role of the Film Producer and Working Title Films.

Please also check earlier posts regarding deadlines for your portfolios - again, today there was a poor turn out of students using the iMacs. Time is running out for completing your film openings, portfolio blogs or websites and evaluations.

Thursday 24 February 2011


As stated before, I will be in to open the room from about 10am through till 1pm for you to use for the edit. iMacs on a first come first served basis unless you contact me in advance to book a machine.

If there is no one there by 10.45 I will lock the room up again.

Saturday 19 February 2011

Homework: Due 1st March

Exam question 

Textual Analysis (Unseen Moving Image Extract)

TV Drama sequence: Coming Down The Mountain
Director: Julie Anne Robinson
Date: 2007

Answer the question below, with detailed reference to specific examples from the extract only.

Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs the representation of gender using the following:

  • Camera shots, angles, movement and composition.
  • Editing
  • Sound
  • Mise en scène

[50 marks]

Thursday 17 February 2011


G321 Marks for Production

Below are the marks I have given for each group:

Group 1 47 (potentially 52+)
Group 2 50 (potentially 54+)
Group 3 41 (potentially 48+)

There is clear room for improvement with all films and to aid this I would like you to consider the document below which identifies some of the things you should be trying to do.

Conventions of Opening Sequences Comicdoc

And information on Opening Credits.

Opening Credits –from Wikipedia

Finally, the preferred day during half term for me to come in and you to work on your films is Friday the 25th from 9am till 1pm. However, this need confirmation.

Wednesday 16 February 2011


Your Media Studies exam on Media Concepts: TV Drama and Film (focussed on representations, Media Language, Audience and Institution) will take place on Tuesday the 17th of May in the afternoon. It is a 2 hours written paper.

This is early in the exam schedule and therefore it is extremely important that you stay up to date with your studies. It also means that there is very little time between submission of final coursework and the exam.

There will be revision sessions during the Easter break to ensure that you are up to speed and ready for the exam and I will let you know the date(s) of these as soon as I can.

Thursday 10 February 2011


Here is a clip to provide you with stimulus regarding the representations of class in the media. However, it is nearly 50 years old so perhaps some of the ideas are out of date.

Your task for homework is to find examples either in the form of video clips or still images from UK Television drama which you can analyse demonstrating to us that you have understood how class representations are created.

You need to have:

  • upper class
  • middle class
  • working class
You can also as extension look at:
  • underclass
Please remember that your focus is on HOW the representations are created through the Media Languages: visual, aural, verbal, non-verbal and written. Use the appropriate terminology for these media languages including Mise En Scene, shot types, sizes, angles and movement, diegetic/non-diegetic sound, denotation, connotations, choices of props, costumes, make-up, lighting etc.

Work should be completed by THURSDAY the 17th February.